Contact Us


Need Assistance?

We are experiencing heavy call, email and social media inquiries. Thanks so much for your patience while we work to respond to all of our guests over the coming days and weeks.

We've got the Answer you're Looking for

At Park City we are always striving to improve our guest service. Can't find what you are looking for online? We've got the answers you're looking for through the phone numbers and links below.

General Inquiry - (435) 649-8111

Lodging Reservations - (435) 602-4099

Emergencies & Mountain Patrol - (435)-615-1911

Email (not for lodging, reservations or cancellations)

Ski & Snowboard School - (435) 658-5530,

Lift Tickets and Season Passes - (435)-658-9454 extension 5, Contact Support Here

Groups & Conferences - (435) 615-8099

Park City Village:

Park City Mountain Rentals - (435) 658-5800

Legacy Sports - (435) 658-5544

Resort Services / Pass Office -(435) 649-8111

Canyons Village:

Canyon Mountain Sports - (435) 615-3440

Canyon Mountain Rentals - (435) 615-3441

One Sweet Ride Snowboard Shop - (435) 615-3442

Solid Edge Tuning & Repair Shop - (435) 615-3430

RockResorts Spa at The Grand Summit - (435) 615-8035

Canyons Golf - (435) 615-4728